The Quality in Careers Standard is the single national quality award for careers education, information, advice and guidance (CEIAG) in schools, colleges and work-based learning. All state-funded secondary schools are “strongly recommended” by the Department for Education in its Statutory Guidance to work towards, achieve, and maintain this national Standard as part of its ‘careers strategy’. The Standard is fully aligned with the Gatsby Benchmarks for “Good Career Guidance” and complies with the DfE’s Statutory Guidance.
Our excellent careers provision has been recognised with the prestigious awarding of “The Quality in Careers Standard”. The following are just some of the positive areas identified in the report. “Careers embedded across the Curriculum with a Careers Entitlement published on the Academy Website. Good across Curriculum Plan in place ”
“Ormiston Meridian Academy has excellent plans in place to ensure several meaningful encounters take place for post 16 opportunities”
At Ormiston Meridian Academy (OMA) students have access to a wide range of careers activities. We actively work with a number of local further education providers and employers. Every year group is taught about potential career pathways through our in-depth PSHE programme. Topics covered include; potential career choices, alternatives to college and sixth form, post 16 options, interview skills, CV’s and personal statements, personal finance and option choices. Careers education is delivered during dedicated PSHE session (living in the wider world).
Careers education at OMA aims to ‘ignite futures’ by connecting learning to real life contexts and ensuring students are fully prepared for an ever-changing, demanding modern world. We provide in-depth knowledge regarding the vast range of opportunities and experiences that are available to them as young adults; further education, university, apprenticeships and ultimately employment.
Careers at OMA are evaluated annually. NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training) figures are used to assess the effectiveness of the careers programme. In addition to this OMA works closely with the Local Authority to evaluate our programme. Through the close relationship with the Local Authority, OMA has been developing its careers programme to achieve the quality award in careers. This award is nationally accredited and is measured against the Gatsby Benchmarks.
At Ormiston Meridian Academy we record student encounters via Evolve and Evolve Clubs. If you require access to the records please contact the academy reception.
The most recent NEET figure was 2%
Details of the academy careers programme and how pupils, parents, teachers & employers can access information can be obtained by contacting the careers team:
Mr G Davies (Careers Lead) and Miss G Chambers (Careers Advisor)
The careers staff can be reached via email [email protected] or by calling 01782 377100.
The entire personal development programme (including careers) is reviewed annually. The next review date is January 2026.
Ormiston Meridian Academy are pleased to work with The Following Further and Higher Education Providers.
Click on the logos to view courses or websites.