Learning can only be achieved if students feel that they can study in a safe environment. At Ormiston Meridian Academy we strive to support students throughout their academic life with us. We do this by offering a range of support to students and parents examples of this are; pastoral managers, Learning Support Center designed to support some of our most vulnerable students, dedicated staff training and specialist support from external partners such as the NHS.
The academy adheres to a strict Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy that is reviewed and updated annually. In addition to this we adhere to all government guidance, information about this can be seen in the links below. We ensure that Safer Recruitment practices are always followed and this is also detailed in our policy. Our safeguarding provision is annually reviewed by Ormiston Academies Trust.
At OMERA we have dedicated staff whose job it is to make sure that students are safe. If you have any concerns about someone else or an issue yourself please speak to one of the following staff members:
At Ormiston Meridian Academy we are committed to the use of computer technologies and recognise the Internet as a valuable tool for learners of all ages. The Internet is increasingly providing the focal point of educational content within the UK.
However, Ormiston Meridian Academy acknowledges that computers and the internet do have the potential for inappropriate use and access to undesirable material and that we have a duty of care to protect our students.
All students use computer facilities, including the internet, as an essential part of the curriculum and to support learning opportunities within the academy. There are well publicised concerns regarding access to material on the internet that would be unsuitable for students. Whilst it is impossible to ensure that a student will not access such material, the academy in liaison with London Grid for Learning is taking all reasonable steps to minimise a students’ access to unsuitable material. These include:
Ormiston Meridian Academy has a dedicated member of staff with responsibility for online safety. Mr. Hampton supports the delivery of online safety during computing lessons and through the PSHE programme.
Please see links below to useful websites;
Ormiston Meridian Academy takes the mental wellbeing of its students extremely seriously. Mental wellbeing is delivered as part of the PSHE programme and during form time sessions. In addition to this the academy has a dedicated councilor, who offers 1-1 support to students that require addition help. The academy also works closely with CAMHS.
The Government’s 2010 Prevent Strategy highlights the need to safeguard children, young people and families from violent extremism. There have been several occasions locally, nationally and internationally when extremist groups have attempted to radicalise young people.
Ormiston Meridian Academy values freedom of speech and expression of beliefs. We also recognise that this is not an unqualified privilege and British Values underpin this. We ensure that staff and pupils promote these values and that our curriculum protects young people against the messages of extremism.
We work with relevant agencies as part of our commitment to appropriately support and risk assess young people. Staff are trained in this and the DSLs will make referrals to the Channel Programme when appropriate.
For more information see: https://educateagainsthate.com/parents/
Please find below some helpful resources should you need them;