Here at Ormiston Meridian Academy we believe in:
Our curriculum is designed to shape the ‘whole’ child by creating students with considerable character. We proactively develop opportunities for young people to develop as: Leaders of the future; Independent, proactive and tenacious learners; and successful, respectful and responsible citizens.
We are passionate about instilling a strong sense of self-belief, determination and aspiration in every student so that they have the highest expectations of themselves and believe that they can achieve anything they put their mind to, no matter how challenging.
Our Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) starts during the Transition at Year 6 and is taught in every year group through PSHE and in all subjects. Impartial careers support is provided by the academy’s level 6 trained careers advisor.
We connect learning to real-life contexts through world of work lessons to ensure all our students are well-prepared for an ever-changing, demanding and modern world. We provide in-depth knowledge regarding the vast range of opportunities and experiences that are available to them as young adults. Our Post -16 progression routes are well established as we work closely with Further Education and Higher Education establishments, including local colleges, universities and apprenticeship providers. Our aim is to ensure all of our students are prepared for the next phase of learning and ultimately employment.