Governing Body

Current Governing Body

Chair of Governors: Dr J Lines (SEND) [email protected]

Vice Chair: Awaiting to Appoint

Academy Principal: Mrs C Stanyer, [email protected]

Clerk to the Governors: Miss D Lovell, [email protected] (Admin)

Community Governor: Mr D James (Enrichment)

Community Governor: Mr M Inwood (Mental Health and Wellbeing)

Community Governor: Ms Leigh Tams (Mental Health and Wellbeing)

Community Governor: Mr P Mangnall (Art & Design, Risk)

Community Governor: Mr P Williams (Careers)

Parent Governor: Mrs Heather Stott (Finance)

Parent Governor: Mrs H Young

Safeguarding Governor: Mrs C Thompson

Staff Governor: Miss E James Tomlison

Staff Governor: Mr M Bennett

The Chair of Governors can be contacted electronically using the email address provided or by post care of Ormiston Meridian Academy.